Mustafa Hegazy:
Assistant Imam at The Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland (ICCI) – Dublin.
Master Degree Student in Islamic Studies at SOAS University of London.
Bachelor Degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies from Al-Azhar University.
Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy from Alexandria University.
Friday Khutbahs ( خطب جمعة )
Presentations ( محاضرات )
Du'aa' - أدعية
Useful Links
فتاوى - Fatwa
Books ( كتب)
Articles - مقالات
This Presentation is to explain Islam to Non Muslims, Clarifying The Fundamentals of Islam.
Delivered at Trinity Dublin.
That was a one day course, Organised By FOSIS-Dublin to be delivered to University Students at the ICCI on 21st of October 2023
That's a Presentation that has been delivered at TU Dublin Tallagh on the 5th of October 2023 Organised by ISOC
This Presentation was delivered to University Students Through ISOC , To point out the Main Characters of our Religion.
محاضرة عن كتاب الشيخ محمد الغزالي الرائع كيف نتعامل مع القرآن ، تمت في المركز الإسلامي بدبلن ICCI (سنة 2023)ضمن فعاليات منتدى الكتاب.